Sunday, March 08, 2020


Friday: I have discovered old school notes on one of my flash drives and have been reading those. Some of them are very interesting, others, not so much. I'm amazed at some of the papers I wrote, some of them I had no idea what I was reading, others I was amazed at how well I 'said' things.
I found my monster earrings in the mailbox on my way in to work. I wore this pair:
 And will be wearing this pair on Tuesday:
 I decided they were great purchases. I'm getting a little worried about the Corona virus, we've gotten large containers of Clorox wipes sitting around the library, we're wiping down surfaces much more frequently and I have the strong urge to watch Contagion.
Saturday: I went to a class on Serendipity dyeing at our local horticulture gardens. I had mentioned it to my mom a few weeks ago and said it sounded like something fun we should do together. It ended up being a pretty good day. We arrived rather early, so shopped in the gift store.
I found a cute keychain for a friend's upcoming birthday:
 Their accessories were 75% off, so I got a great deal on it.
The class was fun. We learned about dyeing and then dyed a silk scarf and a cotton piece. For this technique, you sprinkle things on your fabric, add some alum, wrap it up, wet it and let it sit in a plastic baggie for a month. I will show what my pieces look like around Easter.
I talked my mom into going to an estate sale, it wasn't that exciting, but I found a couple things. Like this bag of magnets for $5:
 I really just wanted it for the sheep, the bugs and the Story City magnets. I really like magnets.
I also picked up some Christmas stuff:
 I may or may not give the Santa to my mom, it kinda matches a Father Christmas I got last year at a garage sale. She's on this kick about not getting stuff, so I might keep them for myself.
By that time, it was lunchtime and we were close to the mall, so we went to a restaurant neither of us had gone to in awhile. As we were sitting there looking at the menus, a friend of mom's happened by and we invited her to join us. It was a nice lunch, we talked about life and reading. I didn't realize how much I have in common with my mom's friend.
Our last stop for the day was Walmart, because it's right next to the mall and I needed a loofah. My haul was kinda boring, got my loofah, some body wash, double stick tape, some socks, a pair of jogging pants and I found some cool shirts for $3 in the men's department:
 And this one:
 And this last one, which is sadly rather tight:
 The size tag had been torn off. I'm not sure what to do with it, it was tight in the shoulders when I put it on, that's not likely to change much. The guys' section always has much cooler screen print shirts than the women's department.
I wore the pants the rest of the day and convinced myself I needed to go back on Monday after work to get more.
Sunday: Had to get up early (felt really early due to the time change) for the last basketball game of the season. It was women's so slower. I had another great conversation about reading and books with a co-worker.
Walked home and did some art.
This one is from a card sketch, we were encouraged to make it in shades of green:
 Also, made a Paris tag for Tag Tuesday, I keep telling myself to participate in this challenge more often.
 And finished a rainbow pocket letter:
 And put together a flamingo tag:
I started something else that needs to be mailed out on Wednesday.
And learned there are 3 confirmed cases of Corona virus in Iowa. I'm a little more worried now. I watched a Buzzfeed video where a doctor tackled some of the most googled questions about it. Apparently it can live on hard surfaces up to a few days and it's not airborne. So, good news bad news. Apparently we should all be six feet away from people, I like this idea, we should practice this.

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