Saturday, October 19, 2019

Truffalo Trees

Wednesday: It took me forever to get dressed and out to the post office. I spent a bunch of money cause I had a ton to mail out. I stopped by Everts on the way home, even though I said I wouldn't. They have 20% off their home decor on Wednesdays, I saw this little guy when I ordered the flowers and it was the only thing I wanted to buy in the store:
 Splurged a little at the grocery store as there were dumplings and pizza on sale.
I found my purple swap in the mail:
 I like the unicorn calendar and the notebook. I passed the face mask on to a friend and will pass the bath bombs on. I used the sticker in my mail journal.
Thursday: I didn't go out. I was originally going to go shopping as there are a few things I need, but I just didn't feel like dealing with the world.
Friday: I didn't have to be at work until 2, so I stopped at an estate sale on my way in. I found these weird guys:
 And his buddy:
 And this Bert, not sure if it's knitted or crocheted, but how cool is he?
 This is what I picked up:
 Those things on picks made me think of truffalo trees from The Lorax, my friend saw the tops of them and asked if I had Trolls.
I picked up the creamer for a friend, the Santa for my mom and the rest for me.
I found some mail when I got home.
Autumn Happy Mail:
Other than the stickers and the Pilgrim, I'm not sure how this fits with the autumn thing. The stickers at the top were scented, and they were very scented. I took the Kit Kats to work.
Halloween pocket letter:
And the goodies:
Pretty cute.
A secret sister swap:
I had said my favorites were: anything cute, paper crafting supplies, chocolate, hot chocolate. My partner did pretty well with matching my favorites, I had also mentioned vintage stuff. I wish it didn't seem like they went to Walmart and Dollar Tree to shop. I could and have bought most of this stuff before. I think I'm going back to just tags, not the large secret sister swap.
Saturday: My plans fell through to go to church fairs with a friend, so I ended up going late with my mom. It was ok, less stuff to buy.
First church:
seasoned crackers, mysterious bread (I could see M&Ms in it), peanut butter chocolate brownies.
Second church:
a could cute ornaments, some sticky notes, rice crispy treats, lemon bars, almond bars. The almond bars were not as great as I thought they would be, so I took them to work.
Last church:
By this time, it was close to noon, so we had lunch of chicken noodle soup and an egg salad sandwich. A bag of magnets, cornflake blobs, some cards, a tiny ghost, more magnets and some flat marbles. I turned the flat marbles into magnets.
The bag of magnets:
I picked the bag up solely for that green face in the middle, it reminded me of Slimer.
I did receive a SMS blue in the mail:
It's cute, but I don't wear necklaces.

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