Friday, January 24, 2020

St. Patrick's Day owl

Tuesday: I had an appointment. I was debating whether to leave early and get my Target item before the appointment, but when I got up it was -5, so I waited. I asked my mom if she could give me a ride, as she keeps saying if I need to go anywhere, she'd give me a ride. I told her I had to go to Target and then had an eye appointment at 11, she said she had an appointment at 11:30, so she couldn't help out.
It was about -3 when I left and a wicked cold windchill. I found out the eye exam was much cheaper than I thought it would be. My medical insurance does not cover it. I got eye insurance this year, basically just to get a new pair of glasses. The doctor said my prescription didn't change much, which is nice. I feel it's been about 5 years since I got my last pair of glasses. I ended up getting the frames free and paying under $200 for the lenses. I have a pretty strong prescription, so I expected to pay a bit, and was surprised when it was less than I expected.
It was 0 when I got done, so I figured I should just go to Target and pick up my item. I had asked to extend it and when I logged onto my account it said I had until Friday to pick it up, but the emails they sent said I had to pick it up by Tuesday.
The sidewalks weren't too bad. I was amused that Burger King didn't have theirs done, but the empty lot right next door did. There were footprints where I needed them and parking lots to walk through. I have tentative plans to hang out with a friend on Saturday, originally we were supposed to go shopping in our downtown area, I texted her asking if we could go to Target and/or Dollar Tree instead, so I didn't do a bunch of shopping at Target. I picked up my item.
It's cold in my apartment, I'm in the basement and I want to know if it's actually cold, or if it's just me. Turns out it's a bit of both.
There was a bunch of free samples in the bag:
 some food, shampoo, body wash and detergent. Not sure if I'll use them, but the shampoo smells wonderful, it's a lavender scent.
As I was waiting for my legs to warm up I looked in the dollar spot and then wandered over to the toys.
 I picked up another 6 pack of surprizamals, an LOL marshmallow pop, a Cutetito Fruitito and a hedgehog.
When I went after Christmas shopping, I picked up a different surprizamals pack and it turned out to be a set I already had. I got a couple new ones, but most were duplicates. This set was twice as big and I didn't have any of them ($12), I really just wanted a marshmallow pop ($2), one of the YouTube channels I watch just opens blind bags, the cutetito fruititos were featured recently, they scented and their 'burrito' shells are actually fruit themed. I totally picked this one up because the shell is printed like a dragonfruit inside ($10), the hedgehog I picked up because I was in JoAnn's and they had some for $14, this one was only $3.
 I love all the Surprizamals except the Husky. I have the smaller version of the hedgehog and I love collecting hedgehogs, I now have 3 small ones and the large one. This one fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. Also, the yeti, I love yetis, after watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Small Foot. The sequin keychains are the sequins you can flip, the green bear is silver on the underside. The pink pig is matte with blue on the underside. The ladybug is black underneath.
This all ended up free because I'm still whittling away at my gift cards, they'll be gone soon, though.
I put together a tag of Valentine's Happy Mail:
 glitter hearts, gift bag, some ephemera, stickers and washi samples.
I was so cold when I got home that once I could feel my legs again, I hopped in the shower. I stuck my hair up in a French braid after it dried for awhile.
I found a couple pieces of mail on my way to work. It felt colder when I left for work even though it was 15 than when I went out in the morning.
SMS yummy and crafty
I was so excited to get this in the mail, before I knew what it was. The Russell Stovers are very sweet and I have no idea what I'll do with the pain pallette. The last time I asked for something crafty I was sent a craft kit, I was hoping for something like that this time.
I also received a homemade tag, it was just some please deliver to labels.
I was so tired that when I got home I just changed into my PJs and went to bed.
Wednesday: I woke up feeling off and my feet hurt. They hurt all day and I was just really tired. I didn't get any mail. And got some disappointing news from work, I applied for a job and didn't get it.  I'm ok with it, I kinda wanna go shopping though. I'm tired of musical chairs, I want new blood. The pair of leggings I wore totally died on me, so I need some new ones. We finally got warm temperatures, but we're getting freezing rain and snow the next few days.
Thursday: was a very lazy day, I spent the day reading Ghostland, started and finished it. I find these days to be the best days. Those days I can just relax on the couch, under my blankets and read.
I did put together a pen pack tag:
 A sticky notes tag:
 And a kawaii tag:
Friday: I had plans with a friend to go to our Downtown Dollar Days. It wasn't that interesting. Turns out not many stores had specials. Our first few stores didn't have any deals. The third was X% off on everything, I don't remember how much. I picked up something for my dad, his birthday's in about 3 weeks.
 The next two places has deals but nothing we were interested in. The next stop was a flower gift store. I found a few things:
 Everything but the gnome and pretzels was in their bargain basement marked at 60% off. They do this with Christmas stuff after Christmas. The gnome apparently was just put out that day. The pretzels were part of the special deals marked down to 50% off, though they're normally 50% off after a certain point. I picked up the glass reindeer ($2.6) and white ceramic reindeer ($2) for my brother. I might give the Christmas hedgehog ($5) and the hedgehog napkins ($3) to a friend that collects hedgehogs, or I might keep them for myself. I totally picked up the owl ($6), the mouse ($3.5), the gnome ($3.5) and the pretzels ($5.25) for myself. I was about to leave and was checking my receipt and noticed they had charged me full price for the mouse ($8.5), so I went back and the cashier changed it, but then charged me tax on it twice. The cashier kept blaming that it wasn't updated in the system, which I get, but the marked down price was right next to the original, it's not like she couldn't see it.
I've decided I'm done with this place, I hadn't been there since before Christmas and before that, October. They're the place I ordered my 10 year anniversary flowers from and they not only didn't deliver them at the time I asked, but were kinda rude about it. I only went back in December as I was striking out on finding stuff for my brother's girlfriend for Christmas. There's nothing I need at this place, they do have some of the cutest things, but I'm tired of giving them my money and not getting great service back.
Our last stop also didn't have any deals. I had a bunch of individual Russell Stover chocolates, but since the whole reason I went there was the deals, I put them all back and didn't buy anything.
I found a SMS crafty when I got home.
 It's much better than the one I got on Tuesday, it's what I'm thinking of when I ask for something crafty. I'm also amused that even though they were a week apart, how quickly some people send things. The first one was sent almost at the last minute, this one was sent 3 days after the tag.
A Dollar Store tag:
 These are really cute.
I also got a sweet note from a friend, she suggested I come visit her, I think I'll look into it.
I put together a kawaii and grant a wish tag of gummy candy
They're going to the same person.
It was a pretty good day. Shopping with a friend, good purchases and good mail.

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