Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Llama pencil pouch.

Thursday: I was at the bookstore all day. It was a cold day, the high was 12. It didn't feel that cold to me because my coat rocks, or I'm just used to being out in the cold, or a bit of both. We were pretty dead in the morning except one lady that came in with about 10 pieces of clothing that she bought for Christmas presents, but they didn't work out. There must've been a sale when she bought the items as they were all discounted. She kept getting annoyed with us because when we brought up the receipt on the computer, it had the sale prices and we had the actual price on the items, so we had to match the items up on the actual receipt, which had about 20 items on it. It took awhile, but we got it all done.
We also had a person return an articulated hand because the thumb was broken, we may have had way too much fun with that because we were still kinda dead in the afternoon.
I had a couple pieces of mail when I got home.
A sticker palooza:
 We had to send each other 10 brand new packages of stickers. I like what she picked out, except this tiny package of gem stones.
The tape runner is there for size comparison. I could see sending this as an extra, but as one of the 10? There aren't any size requirements, so it worked, I would just think common sense would say not to include as one of the 10.
Also, found a Valentine's Grab Bag swap:
 There's lots of variety in here and I've already used a few things for another swap. My favorite item is that felt bear.
Friday, we had a winter storm warning. It didn't start snowing until about 10, this is what it looked like when I was waiting for the bus to go to the library:
 Visibility was bad, but if more people would use their headlights, it wouldn't have been that bad. The library was dead, at one point someone commented there were more staff than public in the library. The one Friday we didn't have lots of people come in at the last minute.
We got about 5 inches of snow and then it drifted. It took me twice as long to get home because everything was so drifted. It didn't matter if sidewalks got shoveled, you couldn't tell.
I found a Winner Takes All of stationery:
 These are cute, I really like the ones on the right.
I also got this really cool junk journal:
It was for a happy mail tag, she said she was going to just send the papers, but then thought she'd try to make the junk journal. I love how it turned out, I'm not sure I can use it for anything.
I honestly thought I pulled out 3 items from my mailbox, but when I went to open them, I only had 2, I retraced my footsteps and looked in the mailbox again, but I didn't find anything.
Saturday: was cold, the high was wicked cold, we were in a blizzard warning pretty much all day, and when that ended we were in a wind advisory warning. I didn't go outside. I spent the day reading. I did venture outside to check the mail, but there wasn't any.
Sunday: I got my laundry done and spent the day working on tags and swaps.
Wish of planner stickers:
 Send Me Something colorful but not yellow:
 This was a fun tag. We had to say Send Me Something this but not that, it was supposed to be descriptive words, but some people went a little too specific.
Send me something cute:
 I got the sticky notes for a kawaii tag and the postcards as a WTA.
Happy mail:
 The notecard is from Staples, the postcard, handmade envelope and and stickers from tags, the memo sheets I had in my stash and the ephemera piece I got from Hollar.
 I always just clean the scraps off my desk to make these.
Pocket letter:
 This was made using a sheet of last year's calendar.
Stationery destash wish:
 I've been getting a bunch of stationery for the WTA.
Something wearable wish:
 Figured I'd send on one of these numerous bracelets I keep getting in my International Blessings box. This one can be adjusted.
I was sitting down to work on something and started wondering when my Countdown to Valentine's swap had to be sent and realized it was the 22nd, so I freaked out and finished that.
 Monday: it was still cold, the high was 9. I wore my fleece lined leggings in to work and on my way home. I packed a different pair to wear at work. I've decided it's not so much the cold that gets me, it's the wind. If it's just wicked cold and not windy, I'm ok.
I put together a llama tag when i got home.
Again, no mail, this time because it was MLK day. I'm not a fan of no mail days, it also seems like they come after Sundays a lot. Three days of no mail does not make me happy.

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