Sunday, October 03, 2010

What do you love?

I've read about this free class, called The Heart of Art on a couple blogs I read, and went to see what it was about. It sounded pretty neat and a good way to get me creating more, so I decided to sign up.
I had one problem. On part of the form I had to fill out, I was supposed to list 3 things I absolutely love about myself. I could only come up with 2:
1. I love my tattoos.
2. I love that I create neat art
And???? I don't know, I had a hard time coming up with the 3rd one.
3. I love that I'm a creative person in everything I do.

Here's my question to you all: What are 3 things you absolutely love about yourself?

Don't forget to go here for my Halloween giveaway.

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