Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Vintage Airstream

June 25: Went to a Central Iowa Junk Jaunt with my aunts, that was an adventure in itself. It was fun to hang out with my aunts, but circumstances made it harder than I feel it should have been. One of the places was a vintage Airstream trailer. I loved looking at the inside.
Bathroom with shower and toilet.
Sink and medicine cabinet:
This was originally a bed that they turned into a display space:
Same thing with this side:
This is the kitchen with the refrigerator and oven:
And the other side of the kitchen with the sink and stove:
I didn't buy much:
A wire basket and a bottle.
I got home after 8 pm, it was an exhausting day. I found a birthday postcard when I got home and opened another piece of birthday mail. I found I wasn't able to move early and I was bummed. 

June 26: I was originally going to go to an estate sale, but I was still bummed from my news the day before, so I just lounged at home and watched a bunch of movies.
I opened another birthday card.
This one had a very sweet message inside:
And I received a red, white and blue tag:
Not impressed, I put it in my box to get rid of.
June 27: I had plans with a friend to go to a handmade fair, it was fun, I was kinda hoping there would be more vendors,
Picked up some pennants:

The small ones at the top were in this fun game machine, where you put in your quarters and you get a prize.
A card and sticker:

Both totally for me. That card is what I'd love someone to give me right now, but I will save it for someone who needs it in the future.
Some cute earrings:
With the length my hair is right now, my dangly earrings kinda just get lost, so I need to wear some studs for awhile until my hair is long enough to put in a ponytail.
And some cute bags:

I couldn't decide between the two, there was a third I wanted that was black with cherries on it. They are covered with something, so you can just wipe them right off. I found my scissors, double stick tape, a pen and stickers fit perfectly in them, so I can just grab the bag instead of having it all floating around in my purse.

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