Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Squirrel in the mailbox

June 11: I opened at work, had my PA, basically my boss said I did all the things within the last year. I've been so stressed lately, it felt nice to have someone compliment me on things. I was debating going to a couple garage sales because the hours were 9-?, it had dropped like 10 degrees by the time I left work, so I decided not to go.
I found an Etsy order in my mailbox:
I didn't read the dimensions very well, the dragon on the left was smaller than I thought it would be, if you'd like to pick up a dragon or yeti of your own, check out this shop. I love them, I'm glad I supported a small business. I kinda wished I picked a different color for the dragon, they are just so similar in color.
I also received a summer pocket letter:
And the goodies:

June 12: I went to a bunch of sales and hit 10,000 steps on my fitbit, but didn't find much to buy. The first 4 sales I didn't find anything. At the 5th I picked up the decorative scissors and frames and found the Minion at the last one.
My coworker dropped off a carload of boxes (15), and I feel like the boxes are now taking over my apartment. It was small enough to begin with, now it's getting pretty tight. I had picked up mini sweet peppers earlier in the week, but nothing to put in them, so I headed out to the grocery store for some crab. Found 7 things in the mailbox when I got back.
First up, a sweet RAK from a Youtube friend.
She sent the sweetest note that helped with my stress, and all these beautiful cards:
I found a Send Me Something cuddly:
It's a squirrel.
A Send Me Something green:
Cute stickers.
Dog Artist Trading Cards:
And the goodies that came with it.
A flipbook:
She said it was only the 2nd one she's made:
It was very small:
But, it seemed like she packed a lot into it.

And the goodies:
I also received a Random Act of Kindness from another group:
There's not a ton I will use:
It's a swap, where we have to send out at least 2 RAKs
I always try to read people's favorites and send what they like, it never feels that way when I get them in return.
I also received 2 pieces of birthday mail.
June 13: Got a text from my dad saying we'd be leaving on the 1st at 1pm. That means I have to get up early and get my laundry done before we leave. I should have made arrangements to do it after we got back, oh well. I almost made plans with a friend for the 1st, I'm glad I didn't. I'm starting to think of places I want to go while we're there and what to pack. I was going to take all my birthday cards with me to open on my birthday, but there's a lot. I don't even know what we're doing. I did some more packing in the kitchen and the living room. Getting things packed up is kinda depressing, Most of my decorative stuff is packed.
June 14: I'm having internet issues, it's been annoying to get up and not be able to get on. I packed 5 boxes of art stuff and sorted a bunch of stuff to get rid of.
I put together a wish of happy mail:
And more happy mail:
And one for a purple stamp pad:
And one for something peacock:
I had the hardest time finding that card, I knew I had it. I'm sorting a little as I'm packing, I kinda just want to get things packed up. 
Found a send me something green in the mailbox:
That turtle is wicked cute.

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