Saturday, June 20, 2020

Cute squishy

Tuesday: It didn't feel like Tuesday as I was scheduled to be at the library in the morning. I'm used to either not working or working later.
Found this box on my interlibrary loan table at work:
I wish Target was sending us miscellaneous toys.
I put together a June ATCs-flowers swap:
I totally just found some scraps of paper and layered some flower punches. I like them, but now that I look at the pictures again, I feel I should have added a stem. Oh well, too late. 
I had the same partner for a summer crafting items swap, so I combined them:
I found a mini sticker palooza swap in my mailbox:
I really like the llama, the undersea and the kawaii ones. I've decided to use the smiley ones for my calendar for the days I meet my goal of drinking water.
Wednesday: I'm at the point where I'm losing vacation at work again, we were thinking about going somewhere in April, but that didn't happen obviously. I left a bit early on Wednesday. I wish I had somewhere to go. The person who keeps track of our vacation said I could just use it to have more time to read, but I do enough of that already. My mom bought me a couple of pairs of sandals last Friday, I wore the dressier pair on Tuesday and Wednesday, by the time I got home on Wednesday, I had two blisters from them. I think part of that is my fault, I was thinking the looser things are, that's when blisters form. I googled it when I got home and supposedly it's when they're tighter. I just don't understand why I have to have blisters basically every time I get new footwear. Not every time, because the more sporty ones that I wore on my shopping trip (which is a lot of walking) on Monday were fine.
Thursday: I was very stressed by 11AM. I've been in the same spot all week, it felt like it should have been Friday by that time. I was at the position where you answer all the public phone calls and emails. Our curbside service is very popular and the slots fill up very fast, and that's mostly what the calls and emails are about, the fact they have to wait about a week to pick up their items. At 11, my replacement came in and I went out front to change my scenery and then I got caught up in other things until I left at 1:30, totally helped with my mood. I was also having issues with my feet, I wore tennis shoes that day, and having the socks and shoes on made my feet really hot.
I received my gypsy tassels:
I like the salmon/teal one and the red, white and blue one the best.
And some extras:
I really like that giant piece at the bottom, it's a sticker, I think it's going on my next journal, though it would be pretty cool on an embellishment box, especially if it's vintage themed.
I was having a chat with a co-worker. I have issues with depression, but I couldn't figure out why people with depression had issues with taking showers or getting out of bed in the morning. I read an article that said they didn't see the point. That makes sense to me. It doesn't apply to me at all. My routine is what keeps me sane. That means taking a shower every night, going to work every day, grocery shopping every week. I was totally dreading the fact that we might have a stay at home order and am very happy my governor never issued one. Even though I realize people won't do things unless you make them.
Friday: I was so excited it was Friday, I was so done with the week by then. I switched positions, so I was answering the phone out front at our curbside service. I wore my more sporty sandals and I'm not having issues with them at all, the only issue I'm having is I can adjust a strap over my toes, but there's not enough velcro on it, so if it's a better fit for me, the end flops around.
I called my dad after work to figure out Father's Day. I have issues with hanging out with my parents, they just drive me nuts and it's been like this for years, they're a little more clingy now that the world fell apart, but there's only so much of them I can handle. Our plan was to have lunch and it sounded like they wanted me to hang out all afternoon with them, I can't handle that. I told my dad I had time for lunch because I had other things to do. My parents believe I have nothing to do outside of work and feel like my art and reading and all the other stuff I do is wasting time, so I've stopped telling them what I do in my free time. I have to make a few things. Anywho, my dad got a little bothered that I could only get together for lunch, I feel it's better for my parents feelings to say I have other things to do rather than saying you are too much and I can't deal with hanging out with you that long.
Anyways, he said some things that frustrated and upset me, so I opened up one of my birthday gifts:
He's a wicked soft frog. The tag that was on him said Hobby Frog, I have no idea what he's from, I just saw him in Walmart and fell in love with him. I actually took all the stuff I bought for my birthday, put it in a giant gift bag and covered it with tissue paper, so I didn't see it all every time I walked by. So, I stuck my hand in under the tissue paper and he's what I pulled out. 
I love stuffed animals, this one was a bit expensive for cheap me ($8), but I knew I'd be splurging, so I just gave myself permission to. He's lying on my laptop in the picture, he's not taller than 12". Considering I picked up a giant bunny at Easter for $6, that's way bigger than he is, I'm not sure it was a great deal.
I also ended up going to the grocery store and splurging on a couple bottles of Mountain Dew, a rotisserie chicken, chips, donuts and some mini apple pies. And I've already eaten most of it. I got a couple of Oriental Trading company catalogs in the mail. It was amazing how grumpy I was by the time I got home about 3 and the rest of the night to the point I opened up one of my birthday gifts, and then I checked my work email about 9pm and ended the night too excited to sleep. I got really good news. The library I work at is reopening on July 1st. I'm wicked excited.
Saturday: I was going to go to an estate sale that started at 10. By that time I had signed up to do a red, white and blue tag on one of my mail groups and realized I didn't have anything that would work, as there was a note that we couldn't send stickers. I figured it was a great excuse to go to Hobby Lobby. I haven't been there since February, it turns out 4 months to the date. On the way, I called a coworker and we talked about the email and another email we got that kinda surprised me.
What I got:
A squishy (6), pineapple (7.5), flowers (.50 each), pineapple trim (1), magnetic bookmarks (.75), resin Easter stickers (.40), mini pom pom chicks (.50). 
I think I did pretty good. 
I am so in love with that squishy
Though it's a bit high for me. It's maybe 6 inches tall. It's already starting to tear a bit, I bought like 10 hours ago. 
And the pineapple
And the rest:
4th of July centerpiece (1.7), 4th of July stickers (1.5), cupcake shaker stickers (1), kawaii sticker book (10), drink sticker book (3), food sticker book (3) and some mini sacks (1.75).
The centerpiece is totally for that tag, i thought they were so cute. I signed up for a red, white and blue pocket letter, so picked up these stickers. I totally fell in love with the sticker books. I don't need more stickers (I have way more than I should).
Kawaii sticker book:
And 22 more pages that aren't shown, also they have some metallic foiling on some of them.
Drink sticker book:
And food sticker book:
These were not on sale, but when I got home and looked at the receipt, the cashier gave me 50% off on all the stickers. Not sure why, but I'm not complaining, maybe they were on sale, I just wasn't paying attention. 
I got the red, white and blue tag ready:
A new mail group I joined, the person i'm paired up with really likes planner stickers, so I put together a package for her:
This is for another group where I said I'd send 3 sticker sheets, I have a lot of stickers, and I knew one more sheet will not mess up shipping costs.
I signed up for a couple 50 loose sticker tags:
Normally I don't do more than one kind of tag, but I'm hurting for mail.
Spent the afternoon watching TV and reading. I found a summer crafting swap in the mail:
And a pocket letter:
I've decided I really don't like Blogger's new way to insert pictures. If I put in too many, it messes up the order of them, and I've noticed I can't add from more than one folder on my computer at once. Am I missing something? I'm also having issues adding labels.
I never did make it to the estate sale, Hobby Lobby and the estate sale were in opposite directions and I just couldn't talk myself into it.
Here's hoping I survive tomorrow.

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