Friday, July 17, 2020


July 14th: I found a cute birthday card on my way into work:
And work was pretty slow. When I came in they said the afternoon was really busy. We did have a tornado warning that drove us back to our shelter. That was a fun 15 minutes. 
July 15th: I had off. It was a pretty lazy day, though I did finish a book because it was requested, I need to get back to my reading part of a book a day. I have 25 books checked out, quite a few I checked out this past weekend have requests on them, I need to be reading them.
I did get a mermaid tag ready to send:
And a Winner Takes All, said I'd send 3 sticker sheets.
July 16th: I worked the morning, we were pretty busy, just not people busy. It was the first day we were processing unclaimed holds (items that didn't get picked up) and there were a ton. We processed them by hand and that was a lot of work. I expect the list to be pretty long for awhile. 
Our local art center was having an art supply sale (a bunch of their leftover stuff from classes), so I stopped by on my break. Picked up a bunch of jewelry:
And a box full of card fronts. Spent $13. Spent my whole break there. Had to take a moment without my mask in a room away from people to catch my breath. I had been running around the library all morning, and it's summer in Iowa, so the humidity hits you in the face when you walk out the door. The art sale was outside. Stopped at the post office on my way home, basically only had to pay for some international stamps. 
Found a Disney card
+ whatever other stuff:
That was the swap, making a card that was Disney themed and some other crafting stuff.
I had an Avengers marathon last weekend and finished up on Wednesday. I decided I don't seem to like the Thor movies, I like the Captain America ones. I was a bit confused with Infinity War and Endgame. In Thor Ragnarok, they leave with a spaceship of survivors and then run into a giant spaceship shortly after leaving Asgard. In the beginning of Infinity War, the giant spaceship was Thanos and his people, and he killed everyone on the ship from Asgard except Thor. In Endgame, the Avengers (what's left of them) go to recruit Thor and find him on Norway with the Asgard survivors. How are there survivors when Thanos blew up the ship after killing everyone?
Friday: My mom and I ended up going to a couple of the Central Iowa Junk Jaunt places. The few that were outside. It wasn't too bad, I would have liked to go to more, but seeing as how next to no one was wearing a mask, I'm sure this was better. I was trying really hard not to spend money. 
Our first stop was a flea market in the side yard of JB Knacker. I took pictures of all the stuff I wanted to buy, but didn't.
This beautiful, heavy, pink glass glass:
I really wanted this, but I don't have a space to put it, plus I believe it was like $4, and I'm cheap.
A cute ear of corn glass bottle:
Very cute, my mom ended up picking this one up.
A geode.
Totally wanted this one, too, but again, no place to put it.
Found a guitar:
My friend's been looking for one of these for awhile, so I totally sent her a picture. She said she was amazed I remembered that she was looking for it, as it's been a long time since we had a conversation about it. I'm rather good at remembering stuff people want me to look for.
Here's what I spent my money on:
All the trim was 10 cents a piece, I couldn't pass up vintage cool looking trim. Also, this is a bad picture, but that round thing is a needle keeper, it has graphics that look like a can on it, totally bought it for the graphics. Total spent $1.20. Big spender.
There was also a veggie seller, a trailer with clothes, a tent with a bunch of signs and a couple more vintage vendors. 
At that point, my mom said I could go inside and then changed her mind saying if I was exposed, I'd expose her (she's in the high risk group, due to age) when I got in the car and took off my mask. I'm trying to figure out her reasoning. I go to other places where I'm exposed (wearing my mask the whole time) to tons of people, I'm not sure why this place would be that different. I don't mind so much that we didn't go in, but her reasoning seems off.
The second place we went was Red Granite Farms. I was very disappointed in this place. The map said they'd have vintage vendors, they didn't They're a farm that sells veggies and flowers, and that's about all they had. It looked like they had done some succulent potting workshops in one of their barn rooms, so they had planters, but people were coming for "junk" so it was very disappointing that they didn't have any.
Our last place was Red Barn Rustics. They did a great job with set up. This place normally has stuff in a barn with not a ton of room. This year they set it all up in their front yard. Lots of clusters of stuff nicely spaced out. I was very impressed.
Beautiful green bowl
Love the color on this.
Candle holders:
I was thinking how cool these would be filled up with buttons.
A beautiful gian red jar:
This would've looked nice with a ton of Mother Of Pearl buttons. I was rather amused with the Goodwill tag of $4, I don't know how much they were trying to sell it for.
A nice chair that reminded me of college:
Different chair, from the same place.
Why it reminded me of college so much, it's actually from Iowa State University, where I went to school.
A cute powder blue vase:
This one was a really nice color, too.
A nice picture frame.
The flowers were 3D, if I had a place I would've bought this one, too.
My brother collects canes:
Mom and I weren't sure if he was still collecting them, plus he'd have to drive here and home to get it.
A couple of green plates:
I love these, too. I just don't have any room for all this decorative stuff.
Also found this sign:
I'm not sure if it was actually vintage, as we saw a couple signs I could swear were from Hobby Lobby and just aged.
We got back home about noon. We were going to get lunch from somewhere, but I just wasn't into it. It was already 81 degrees at our last stop, felt like 91. Heat doesn't seem to bother me that much. I figure it would more this year as I haven't been out in it much, but it doesn't seem to bother me that much. I can handle the heat and the humidity. Probably not tomorrow afternoon, as we're going to be in a heat advisory, temps in the high 90's but feeling in the low 100's. I had to mail something, so headed out to the mailbox and the bank to cash in some change and to the grocery store. My new schedule has me off on Wednesdays, but working Thursdays, so figure I'd just shift my Wednesday stuff to Thursdays, I just had a big box of card fronts I was carrying home on Thursday. I'm *trying* again to eat healthier, and failing miserably. I've been having Green Giant veggie side dishes with tuna. I had salad today, but also a Mountain Dew, mostly because I was going to get one with the carry out meal we were going to have.
Found some mail. A 4th of July pocket letter:
With lots of goodies:
And more goodies:
A Dollar Store tag:
Love these stickers.
And a pen pal letter:
Here's my salad:
It was on sale. I can usually get about 2 meals with a salad kit, so I'll have some tomorrow as well.
It was an ok day, got stuff done. Also read a book. Felt very productive with that. Found 3 garage sales to go to tomorrow. Of course, they aren't near each other, the furthest away starts at 9, but the way I'd go to them, it'd be the middle one. I also have to go to the post office to refuse a postage due. I love how they always say it's a letter, only when it requires that much postage, it's a parcel

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