Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Thursday: I watched movies all day and attended the retirement party of the library director. I found a Valentine's Day tag and favorites tag when i got home:
 Or at least she said it was a favorites tag. I don't have homemade envelopes listed in my favorites and I don't use them. The Valentine's Day tag was cute with the notebook and stickers, when I ate the candy it was kinda old.
Friday: worked that afternoon and found some mail.
Bookmark tag:
 How cute is that sticker? Also, the bookmark is very thin wood. I'm not exactly sure why I signed up for this tag, as I don't use bookmarks, well I do, just not real bookmarks, I usually end up using my hold slip.
 I had wished for tea.
Saturday: had a women's basketball game, got lucky and got a ride from a co worker who promised me a ride home and a ride to the wrestling event on sunday. It was a pretty slow day. The door I was at had like 20 people come through, it was very slow. Had a couple people upset because they couldn't bring in their umbrellas. It was raining by the time we left.
Envelope of sunshine:
 basically we were to send at least 10 yellow die cuts in an envelope. I like these, but I'm not a fan of the daintier die cuts, I find them hard to glue down.
Green pocket letter:
 This was very nice, I love how she decorated it.
Sunday: The weather turned to snow overnight and on Sunday we were in a blizzard warning. We got about 6 or 7 inches of snow and wind and drifting. I heard a bunch of roads south of town were closed due to drifting, we also had our interstate north of town to the MN border closed (we're in the middle of the state) for the whole day until about noon on Monday. I still had to work the wrestling meet and I was so glad I had the ride, though we kinda got stuck turning off my road onto a busier road, we made it but it freaked me out. I attempted to walk home with another co-worker afterwards, that was a bad idea. She doesn't live very far away and I thought I could either walk on top of the snow or use other people's footprints, after almost falling over way too many times and encountering a big snow pile I decided to wait for the bus, that ended up being about 20 minutes. Went home, put together a decorative paper swap:
 we had to send 10 pieces of A2 size (4.25x5.5) paper. I sent doubles of everything in the photo.
Here's some nice pictures of the snow from Sunday morning:
 Can you see how weighted down with snow and ice this bush is:
 And the trees.
 Put together a few more things after work.
 rainbow happy mail:
 SMS sparkly:
 And a couple sticker sheets:
 So, Monday when I got up I didn't expect sidewalks to be cleared off, but everything on my way to work was, except they were all covered in ice, the rain that came before the snow. It took me about 20 minutes to walk the 4 blocks, and the same to get home. Work was kinda slow because of that. Had another basketball game that night, my mother gave me a ride to and from. Found some mail when I got home.
SMS Unique:
 This was actually a wish. I love putting this down and seeing what people's definitions of unique are.
Green card:
 Decorative paper:
 Tuesday: I decided I needed to be productive in making things. Finished a few swaps.
This and that:
 Basically, we had a list of things to choose from.
 she asked for scratch and sniff stickers, junk journal supplies and die cuts.
Random craft swap:
 We had to send our partners two craft items.
And then I went to work.
Wednesday: we had a slight snow or something overnight, it made the ice easier to walk on. I just don't understand why people don't just get ice melt and spread it over everything. It would work, that's why we don't have ice at the library. All the sidewalks I walk on to get to work are 100% ice covered. I haven't fallen yet, I'm afraid I might. I end up taking very small steps and it takes me like twice as long to get anywhere, it's very annoying. Our temperatures are not going to be above freezing in at least a week. My extended forecast, which is through next Wednesday, the highest day is 26, which is this Friday, mostly we're in the single digits again. That is way too long to have to walk on all that ice. The roads are worse because they are polished from the cars driving on them. We have chances of more snow tomorrow and Friday, with little to no accumulation. I'm so tired of all this.
Spent the afternoon reading a book that is due on monday and I can't renew.
Found some mail later.
This and that:
I was disappointed that she didn't include the rolls of washi she was supposed to. I've also decided I'm leaving this group after my swaps are received and I receive another one I'm waiting on. There haven't been many swaps I've wanted to join for awhile, and one less group won't be bad.
 and the favorites tag again
I guess these are better, but I still feel they don't really work. I hate that the stickers are pretty kiddish.

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