Thursday, February 21, 2019

Weekly update

Saturday: Had another game, it was ok. I hate it when my co workers argue with me because they don't want to follow the rules, I'm sorry it's cold outside, but the people have to stay outside until the stadium is actually open, and I'm sorry you didn't realize the lens on that camera is too long to be considered a personal lens. The camera one was kinda funny, after inquiring more about it, the person said they are a journalism teacher and they take pictures to show their students. I was worried about the ice on the sidewalks for my walk home so asked my parents if they wanted to go to a late lunch when I got done. I should have just walked. Dinner/lunch whichever (it was about 3pm) was good, but the weather would have been fine for a walk home and it definitely helps with my mood.
Found a Love is in the Mail swap when I got home:
 I like the sticky notes, paper clips and stickers. I'll probably use the pens, too. I'm not sure what I'll do with the notepad and cards. I also think I need to stick to the 5 things. It's hit or miss whether the other person will, and it's always more postage. I sign up for so many things, I need to try and keep things light.
Sunday: was laundry day, as always, I did put together an owls tag:
 I wanted to include some owl buttons I received in a swap, but of course couldn't find it. The fabric I got in a RAK, but I have no idea what I would do with it.
My co-worker's birthday was that day, so I made her a card:
 I was having a hell of a time creating stuff on Sunday, you know how sometimes the world has plans different from yours and will mess things up if you're not on it's schedule. I made the card and stopped, because nothing else was working out.
Monday: was President's Day, we had a whole day of training at the library. I don't recall what I did that evening when I got home.
Tuesday: altered a flipbook I got in a swap to send out for a flipbook tag:
 Mostly because the world would not let me make one, and it had to be sent out on Wednesday.
Birthday happy mail wish:
 Green pocket letter:
 I really like how this one turned out. I was going to do just green, but then found all these cacti stickers when I was looking for green things.
I created an explosion box for the director at the library, she's retiring on the 22nd. She loves my boxes.
 I wanted to create something more book related, but turns out I don't have a lot of book page papers, so I went with flowers and chose to put things to do when she's actually retired.
Work was still pretty slow. Tuesdays are mostly slow, but they've been slower than usual. Also, we were supposed to get a ton of snow that night.
Found some mail when I got home, Valentine ATC:
 She included some cute washi as an extra.
Flip book tag:
 She said it was her first one and it was so cute.
Private swap:
 She had posted the buttons from another swap and when i commented on how cute they were, she messaged me saying she wouldn't use them and did I want to swap. Sure. Funny thing is, I picked up these same buttons on clearance at Hobby Lobby on Friday, that's ok, they're too cute.
Wednesday: we got a bunch of snow overnight. My boots go up to my calves, and the snow was close to the tops of them. Work was somewhat busy.
Found a happy mail tag when I got home:
I love it, I just wish people would include a note. I'm in three of the snail mail groups plus 5 other crafting groups.
I realized I forgot to take pictures of the 3 envelopes I sent out that didn't need extra postage, I'm annoyed at myself for that, but I'm sure they'll get to their destinations, if not it was only one stamp, I can re-send, it was my fault after all.
I've been trying to eat healthier, but the healthier options of frozen foods are more expensive and not as tasty. I know I should just make my own food, but that's probably not going to happen.

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