Saturday, October 10, 2020

Art Walk

Every year my downtown cultural district puts on an Art Walk, where businesses in our downtown district host local artists, it's usually the first friday in June, but due to Covid this year, they moved it back to October.
I went with a friend, there were quite a few people, everyone had their stuff outside, and masks. You could tell we all needed this.
Our first stop was in front of the library, I picked up this cute bullfrog print.
The artist was Kelsey Wilson, she has a ton of cute prints. Her information:
We saw a mutual friend, Letitia Kramer, she does mixed media. A few of her pieces were vintage papers with tiny curios like porcelain dolls and random body parts.
We found out there's going to be a new bookstore called Dog Eared books, we saw a neat pen and ink artist there. 
I bought some cute ornaments from an artist in front of a local photography place:

Here's her facebook page.
We stopped in to Acorn antiques, where I picked up some cute free vintage jewelry.

We headed over to see an artist that was at the library, back in February, from this post. They were one of my favorite artists.
A little information on them:
I bought 3 prints:
They're information. The website
We saw a cool wire wrap jewelry artist, and a cool pottery artist. I bought some cute prints, that I wish I had frames and a place to hang on the wall.
They're information:
We stopped into a new crystal shop, there was a quilling artist and a resin artist. I will definitely have to go back there. They had a nice musician, it was just a little too loud for the space. We saw a person that I took a marbling class from, last October. I bought a pair of earrings.
She does paper marbling and jewelry. Her website.
A bunch of the business cards I picked up.
Top left was for the quilling artist, top right the person I bought the ornaments from, she also does photography and illustrations. The bottom left for a photographer. The bottom right for the wire wrapped jewelry.
And this one for a cool painter. I really liked his stuff.
I also got an "F-bomb"
This is from the person I bought a knitted (crotched?) cacti garden from last year.
My friend knows a lot of people and some of them seemed so cool and neat and I wish I knew the neat and cool people. I felt so in my element talking to a few of them. It felt good to get out of the house and get to one of these events that have mostly been cancelled.

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